═══ 1. General Information ═══ ═══ 1.1. Program Information ═══ PM Checksum keeps track of all your files. Even when a file changes only slightly, PM Checksum will recognize it and tell you exactly what has changed. The program is highly optimized and can run at regular and idletime priority in the background. Automatic execution control is provided by profile files. By that means, you can set up which files on which drives shall be processed and which measures to clean up the database shall be performed. To run PM Checksum, you need an IBM compatible PC with the operating system OS/2 2.x or higher. The program will automatically scale itself to take the most out of the available memory. PM Checksum ist a true 32 bit application that has been developed using Virtual Pascal and IBM VisualAge C++ 3.0. If you have any questions, wishes, suggestions or if you have found a bug in the software, please contact the author: Uwe Schlenther Bebelstrasse 30 D-70193 Stuttgart Germany Fax: +49-711-639564 E-Mail: U.Schlenther@TeamOS2.DE Fido: 2:246/1409.10 ═══ 1.2. License Information ═══ PM Checksum is not free software. You may use the evaluation version for a period of 45 days to find out whether it meets your needs. If you want to continue using the program after your evaluation, you must acquire a license by registering with the author. This requires the payment of a license fee. There are two kinds of licenses: 1. Private License: Valid for private use on one machine only. 2. Commercial License: Valid for installation in commercial environments on one or two machines. Please choose the appropriate kind of license upon registration. If you want to install PM Checksum on more than 10 machines or if you're planning a collective registration of at least 10 licenses, please contact the author. After the license fee has been paid, you will receive a registration key that will enable PM Checksum as a full licensed version. If after the evaluation period you think that PM Checksum is not the software you need and that you don't want to register the program, you may not continue using it. In that case you must deinstall the software from your hard disk. Any use of the evaluation version beyond the evaluation period is considered software piracy and can be pursued by legal action. However, you may still distribute the software after the evaluation, if you adhere to the following terms. The evaluation version of PM Checksum may only be distributed free of charge. It is explicitly forbidden to ask for any kind of fee for copying the software. You are encouraged and given the right to distribute the software on CD-ROM, as long as there are no other objections. In any case, you may only distribute the complete and unchanged package. An exception to these terms are shareware vendors that are meber of DS - Deutschsprachige Shareware or ASP - Association of Shareware ProfessionalsPM Checksum, as long as the package is distributed in complete and unchanged form. The following terms apply to both, evaluation version and licensed version: The software is protected by international law. It is not allowed to use the software or parts of the software for any purpose other than the one it has been designed for. You may not disassemble, reverse engineer or change the software. In no event shall Uwe Schlenther Software be liable for any damage that has been caused, directly or indirectly, by the software. There is no warranty that the software will be usable on any special computer configuration. It's the sole responsibility of the user to verify that the software is appropriate for a certain purpose and that it is error free. These terms of license can be changed, extended, restricted or retracted at any time and to any extent without prior notice. Stuttgart, October 1st 1996 ═══ 1.3. Trade Marks ═══ Names of brands and products used in this documentation may be trade marks registered by their respective owners. ═══ 2. Using the Software ═══ ═══ 2.1. Installation ═══ Installation should be done with the included install script INSTALL.CMD. You can enter a destination directory where all the files of the software will be copied. The script will also create a folder on your desktop, containing objects for the program and the documentation. The library file MD5.DLL must be accessable in a directory which is listed in the LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. This statement should normally contain the directory "." which refers to the current directory; this entry is sufficient for PM Checksum. The install script will register an association of all files that carry the extension PRF to the main program. So you can simply open a profile file by double clicking on it with the left mouse button, thus executing the main program with the selected profile settings. ═══ 2.2. The Main Window ═══ The main window displays information during a checksum scan. The list box labeled Information contains general information, e.g. the currently processed drive, the time when checksum scans have started or finished, the number of files processed and the data throughput. The list box labeled Warning Messages is used to display important events. This is the place where information about a file change is listed. You can double click on such messages to see further details on the file that has changed. The Warning Messages can also contain error messages that are related to the program execution, such as errors during file access. ═══ 2.3. Das Dateifenster ═══ The file window displays all the data that PM Checksum can provide for a given file. You can open a file window by selecting the entry File... from the Checksum menu. Another possibility to see the file window is to double click on a line in one of the both list boxes, where a file change is reported. If the data saved for the file is no more valid, a button labeled Update Database & Dismiss will appear in the file window. When this button is pressed, the invalid values in the database will be updated with the current values. This update will be delayed until the database is not used by a checksum scan. The data contained in the file window can be highlighted with the mouse or the cursor keys to copy it to the clipboard. You can open almost any number of file windows, but only one file window will be opened for each file. ═══ 2.4. The Profile Editor ═══ The profile editor dialog is the place to change much of PM Checksum's behavior. Some features can be enabled or disabled. You can also select which drives and which file name extensions shall be processed. To learn more about each of the options, select the option (click the left mouse button on the control or press the TAB key multiple times) and press the F1 key. The changes you made can be saved to a file. At a later time, you can reload those settings from that file. A set of options that has been saved with the file name DEFAULT.PRF will be reloaded automatically during the startup of PM Checksum. To save a profile with this name, use one of the entries Save as... or Make default in the Profile menu. ═══ 2.5. Working with the Software ═══ PM Checksum's main function is the checksum scan. During this process, the drives selected in the profile are searched for files that match the profile's file extension list. For those files, a database entry is created containing at least the CRC32 checksum and the file size and date. If a corresponding database entry already exists, the values stored in the database will be compared to the newly computed data. In case the values are different, a warning message is displayed in the main window. A checksum scan can be performed invisibly and without user interaction. In the profile, you can set up that  a scan will be started automatically after the program has started  the program closes automatically on termination of the checksum scan  the program runs minimized, i.e. without displaying the main window  during a checksum scan, only processor idle time will be used. To start PM Checksum automatically, you may want to add a shadow object to your startup folder. To start the program with a different profile than the default, enter the name of the profile file in the program object's parameter field. The result of a checksum scan can be determined by the melody played when the scan terminates: When there are no warning messages, an ascending sequence of beeps is played. If the values of a file have changed, the beeps will be output in descending order. However, it is usually a good idea to activate the report function, so that you can review each scan at a later time. The report file contains a list of all file changes and all measures taken to clean up the database. When changes have accumulated, you should run a checksum scan manually with the option "Replace changed values" activated. When files are deleted on the hard disk, the corresponding database entry will still remain and use up a certain amount of disk space. For that reason, you should run your scans with the option "Remove Missing Files" from time to time. But you should use this option with care when network drives or exchangeable media are used in the checksum scans. In that case, database entries could accidentaly get lost. The program contains extensive online help. If you need more information about a feature, select it in the menu or in a dialog window and press the F1 key. The online help also contains an index that lists all topics coverd in the help documents. ═══ 3. The Command Line Program ═══ To supplement the PM program, the PM Checksum package contains a command line program to calculate CRC32 and MD5 checksums. The program is called CHKLIST.EXE and can be executed at the OS/2 command prompt as well as in OS/2's DOS emulation. CHKLIST.EXE does not need the MD5.DLL library file when started in OS/2's DOS emulation. The first parameter passed to CHKLIST.EXE is expected to be a file specifier or a directory name. The following parameters can also be used: /DATE output file date /SIZE output file size /CRC32 oder /CRC output CRC32 checksum /MD5 oder /MD output MD5 checksum /ALL output all values /S process subdirectories /FULL output full path names Examples: Output of MD5 checksums for all files on drive C: CHKLIST C:* /S /MD5 Output of CRC32 and MD5 checksums for all EXE files in the current directory: CHKLIST *.EXE /CRC32 /MD5 CHKLIST.EXE will output its results on the standard output channel, so you can redirect the output to a file. The output will look similar to this: Name Size Date CRC32 MD5 BOOKMARK.HTM 8082 09/19/1996 (10:33 PM) 612EC595 6D76CC1DAE19DE2F7395DF4BBFB6F36B CERT.DB 16384 09/24/1996 (10:41 AM) 98691129 43C1D7BA55A1B3AFCE7AA06783288DD6 CERTNI.DB 16384 09/24/1996 (10:41 AM) 74AD0E64 1AEACB946AF9861A18ED25D4A03D377D EPFIEXTS.DLL 49234 06/06/1995 ( 9:36 AM) D03FDEF9 6645C49E862942B5C41CE00D95DCAF1B EPFIHPLB.HLP 85833 06/06/1995 ( 9:41 AM) B7EA8793 6D1CCB1C828C33FEBCC12BBEBCF597D7 EPFIICIS.ICO 4752 04/17/1995 (11:04 AM) 05291FBB 9DAAC076E6E12B6EF284C0B597CC21A7 EPFIMSG.MSG 12178 06/06/1995 ( 9:40 AM) 26598DEF 02C19FC21E5F3489CB97A78AEA33EE61 EPFINSTS.EXE 247186 06/06/1995 ( 9:32 AM) 1C4EDC16 F6CD813E0794079ACA5D029E84B38C12 EPFIPII.DLL 60062 06/06/1995 ( 9:40 AM) CDF3310A 6C4A80676A51B7BF11C9F917D3866086 EPFIPRCS.EXE 268978 06/06/1995 ( 9:35 AM) CE775511 8643BAB908DD3DD214A7CCB658D98F4A EPFISINC.PKG 3090 08/30/1996 ( 5:20 PM) A936417D F1A593431B507FF0A4838898EEAD36B4 EPFIUPK2.EXE 77200 04/17/1995 (11:10 AM) E3CC4E02 604E398A7EE9B7F42F53A93587066D73 INSTALL.IN_ 521327 08/30/1996 (12:00 PM) 9EF68331 869502C90CD2A1F38B04D1D7A5129A02 KEY.DB 16384 09/24/1996 (10:41 AM) B7B5E79E 20245E086E06C771EF9F53DC56F24B53 LICENSE 6036 08/30/1996 (12:00 PM) D81AA381 C06F001410A80306AD0940E1F9CA5BAD NETSCAPE.DSC 69 01/01/1995 (12:00 PM) 41381F52 1541429B24AA85F51C6E3A1D5031EFC2 NETSCAPE.EXE 2604699 08/30/1996 (12:00 PM) 9F782CD9 2BD8410EA2E491255C0703D4168ED190 NETSCAPE.HLP 24290 08/30/1996 (12:00 PM) 23C08645 D15EE85574DD655E4F5F3426B796C208 NETSCAPE.HST 28672 09/24/1996 (10:41 AM) 1BD05400 D7D47772FC7A5B00293A75EFF4213997 NETSCAPE.ICF 2318 09/01/1996 (12:00 PM) E7B88180 73E5A01FC61D128C3E5A8DC681175408 NETSCAPE.ICO 4026 08/30/1996 (12:00 PM) 734C13F3 02F0565AB48F9544E2BD3232EC38D53E NETSCAPE.INI 6884 09/24/1996 (10:41 AM) 498B2A06 C594A7B2C5CABC53DCAB8755EF90F905 NETSCAPE.PKG 13614 09/09/1996 ( 3:14 PM) C29CF4B8 BF8DD227819E98AD8A4809A58FA57736 NSEXITS.DLL 92958 08/30/1996 (12:00 PM) 1EA5A196 7FD963624D51C44A381C99B002BB6B55 READ.ME 17496 08/30/1996 (12:00 PM) 00FD49A7 4B67507127E75F5AE677C88B11C30851 25 Files When an error occurs during file access, the error code will be displayed on the screen. It is normal that CHKLIST.EXE tries to access a file several times; the process that has locked the file might have ended in the meantime. ═══ 4. Further Remarks ═══ ═══ 4.1. MD5 Information ═══ MD5 -- New Message Digest Algorithm (Feel free to distribute further) RSA Data Security is announcing MD5, a new message-digest algorithm. Like MD4, this algorithm is being placed in the public domain for free general use. The MD5 algorithm is a strengthened version of MD4. It has four rounds instead of three, and incorporates other revisions based on a year's worth of collected comments on the MD4 algorithm. For example, the input access patterns in rounds two and three have been improved, and the rotation amounts have been optimized for maximum "avalanche effect." The additive constants have been made unique in each step, and an additional dependence of each step on the previous one has been added. These changes cause MD5 to be somewhat slower than MD4. We estimate that MD5 will typically run about 15-30% slower than MD4, depending on the degree to which the versions of MD4 and MD5 have been optimized. The more they are both optimized, the greater the percentage difference in speed. An optimized version of MD5 on a Sun SparcStation runs at about 890 Kbytes/second. Why MD5? While we do not know of any way to "break" MD4, we feel that MD4 is being pressed into service far too quickly for such an "aggressive" design. We have been surprised at the speed with which MD4 is being designed into products. MD5 is "MD4 with seatbelts" and thus, as a more conservative design, is more suitable for rapid deployment. It is the intent of RSA Data Security to use MD5 in its products and standards instead of MD4. We recommend that our customers generally do the same, unless there is an overwhelming need for the higher speed of MD4. Copies of the MD5 algorithm, including a reference implementation in C, are available from the company. (Over the Internet, you can access this documentation by anonymous FTP to rsa.com and obtaining the file pub/md5.doc.) ═══ 4.2. Development Tools ═══ PM Checksum has been developed using the following compilers and development tools:  Virtual Pascal by fPRINT UK Ltd., Cambridge House, 100 Cambridge Grove, London W6 0LE  IBM VisualAge C++ 3.0 by IBM  LSxPower/2 DOS Extender for OS/2 by Laserstars Technologies, Inc.  BookMaker by Katt Development, 4458 Middlebrook Rd., Orlando, FL 32811  StarDraw by StarDivision, Hamburg  RAR/2 Archiver by Eugene Roshal  MD5PAS-Unit by Stefan Briesenick, 76571 Gaggenau, Germany ═══ 5. Registration ═══ ═══ 5.1. Registration Information ═══ PM Checksum is not free software. You may use the test version for a maximum trial period of 45 days. After this time, you have to decide if you want to continue using the program or not. If you don't like the program, you must delete it from your harddisk after the 30 day trial period. You may still give the test version to your friends for evaluation. If you like the program and you want to continue using it after the trial period, you must register the program with the author. This requires payment of a registration fee. You will then receive a registration key that enables the evaluation version as a full licensed copy. ═══ 5.2. Registration Fee ═══ The fee for a private license of PM Checksum is 30 Deutsche Mark, the commercial license costs 60 Deutsche Mark. Within Europe payment by eurocheque or credit card is recommended. Orders from outside Europe are only accepted with credit card or cash (banknotes only !) payment. If you live outside of Europe, you are strongly encouraged to purchase your registered copy of BioGraph at BMT Micro (see next page). We accept VISA and DINERS CLUB. The following table shows approximate registration fees in foreign currencies, as you might be billed e.g. when using credit card payment: ┌───────────────┬───────────────┬────────────────────┬───────────────┐ │Country │ Currency │ Exchange Rate │ Approx. Price │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │Germany │ Deutsche Mark │ 1 DM=1 DM │ 30 DM │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │Switzerland │ Francs │ 1 DM=0.80 sfr │ 24 sfr │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │Austria │ Schilling │ 1 DM=6.95 ЩS │ 209 ЩS │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │The Netherlands│ Guilders │ 1 DM=1.10 hfl │ 33 hfl │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │Great Britain │ Pounds │ 1 DM=0.43 Pounds │ 12.90 Pounds │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │USA │ Dollars │ 1 DM=0.67 US$ │ 20 US$ │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │Canada │ Dollars │ 1 DM=0.90 CAN$ │ 27 CAN$ │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │Australia │ Dollars │ 1 DM=0.88 AUS$ │ 26.40 AUS$ │ └───────────────┴───────────────┴────────────────────┴───────────────┘ (exchange rates as of 16.12.1995) ═══ 5.3. BMT Micro ═══ Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 84K (910) 799-0923 Direct 28.8K line Ordering and general ordering questions: Via AOL: bmtmicro via MSN: bmtmicro Via Prodigy: HNGP66D via Compuserve: 74031,307 via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com telnet@bmtmicro.com httpbmtmicro.com We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. Personal checks are subject to clearance. Eurochecks in DM are welcome. DM, Sterling, and US Currency is welcome but send only by registered mail, return reciept requested. We cannot be liable for lost cash sent through the mail. Purchase orders are welcome, subject to approval. The minimum amount is $250.00. Information for our German customers is explained in the last paragraph of this order form. _____________________________________________________________________ Companyntity Price Number of copies _________________________ ______________ ________________ BioGraph/2 ____$25.00____ x ____________ = + $ _______ PM Checksum ____$20.00____ x ____________ = + $ _______ _________________________ ______________ x ____________ = + $ _______ Latest Version on Diskette _____$3.00____ x ____________ = + $ _______ North Carolina Residents add 6% Sales Tax $ _______ Shipping and Handling (no quantity limit / see below) $ _______ Email - Subject to Credit Card Verification Free Fax (USA/Canada)........................... 1.00 US Fax (Non-North America).................... 2.00 US Worldwide 1st Class ....................... Free 2nd Day Priority, USA Only ................ $ 4.00 US US Postal Service International Express (Including Canada and Mexico), allow up to 7-10 days ............................... $ 25.00 US Airborne Select Delivery (USA Only) $ 8.00 US FedEx Overnight, USA Only (delivery by 3............. $ 15.00 US FedEx Europe/Japan (guaranteed delivery within 3 days) .......................... $ 35.00 US Total: $ _______ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ For credit card payment only │ │ │ │ Circle one: VISA / Master / Discover / American Express / Diners │ │ │ │ Credit card number: _____________________________________________ │ │ │ │ Expiration date: ________________________________________________ │ │ │ │ Authorization signature: ________________________________________ │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ORDERING FROM INSIDE GERMANY ONLY ================================= Persons in Germany wishing to order shareware may also transfer funds into our account with Deutsche Bank. Once the money is deposited you may either fax a confirmation to us with proof of deposit or wait until Deutsche Bank notifies us of the transaction (usually 10-18 business days). Account information is as follows: Deutsche Bank / Frankfurt Branch EmpfДnger: Thomas Bradford / BMT Micro Konto-Nummer: 0860221 Bankleitzahl: 500-700-10 When you make the transfer, be sure to put your name and the program you are registering on the transfer. Current exchange rates can be obtained by sending an email to dm_to_us@bmtmicro.com. An automated reply will return todays exchange rates. It is very important that you send us a completed order form by either email or fax if you deposit money into this account for a registration. Fill the order form out as usual except in the credit card number field put "DEUTSCHE BANK". We will file the order and use it to match against the deposit information we receive from the bank. IMPORTANT! ---------- When you email us your order form, we will reply with an acknowledgement. If you do not get an acknowledgement within 24 hours please send your order again in case it was lost. This extra bit of caution can save a lot of confusion. If you are concerned that your order is taking too long to process, feel free to check with us about the status of your order. It's important to all of us that you feel safe doing business with our company and please feel free to suggest ways we can improve our service to you. ═══ 5.4. PGP Public Key ═══ Credit card orders will be accepted by e-mail. In this case you should encrypt your credit card information. For this purpose (or in case you want to send encrypted mail for another reason) I include my PGP public key: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQCNAi3KGP8AAAEEAM5OJRPfQvjk7Yjpa25ipxuXK4kx0nrUuTy8gKZc24a+4LWK BjnhtcYesrgPY1kt90WXZSck2kqPmP/zWNpFl+0BgDZtr3QofF4eppssYTxZ/OSI +uS7RUoT4tMabNv7dIEigl2rYAblmrDEz8bvBdlN+H1iAYUtMHZFSA8cly5RAAUR tCpVd2UgU2NobGVudGhlciA8VXdlX1NjaGxlbnRoZXJAczMubWF1cy5kZT6JAJUC BRAualkHJn9p9xvbJ3EBAZ81BACpIyf9ThqmbGwL1GlnTRwUkC3YJ2EAI2gh87FN VqYT6fAo6gIBu4HAzrkJnGozNeTn2jgmZOMV5DLL32h4N89q+XtF7gYfg+Vg3zAt hzQ8dMm3QIBhjWh2xpymZmkb2AmEbxaH7zEN83g+fYtyKvTYUzwqrNY3ZEWC0y7r bfOzy4kAVQIFEC3cYcWLD0WTwjgcLQEBzqEB/0zAOqCVRc6RVDXWVdZ6CzEUAeeC FYh8+QxQSrAjQprBEp9Fm9ZdPmDrdpZ9Fu/G2lBdkVYgav/z9gG660D80ECJAFUD BRAujzW6NISSh/rJt0kBAYJZAgDCKZ/9ZUFi8ZDHCmmT7Ssb23VnIOR1BO8lKiVX R0ls/d7J14546ZfllZC2Idq97d1NmRkaA6wOUGjcgnuk6/yliQCVAgUQLhnVNN3T enj8CxCJAQFs7AQAzC90QKHmwF+jcV2tpiz3geV3B7VYIioHoq3GgJyQe5m0fhcj ZT18S1nWNgOIMRSTJ6dksaPob6NlBatnlTpkhe9wbDhrYD+C6oORHAk+BQ52hxD0 jJWVI/ISd5ai7D1640cUC3444IDGhrjAeOw70Tc1aaWVyKGYKL/XP8mWth+JAJUC BRAuax2ZdkVIDxyXLlEBAaCvA/9VkQA86boJ69HsD3/QQt/Ez2cR7Qmiw39IiRml hqTKPpLC/QWkN9yvgOEKLs6gUvx2U0gjQx3qmSFkpjhhUydOS5Pgbnmc1LzYJSon YoAi9ku8Cm5AatzOhSH4JFTWcy4uODb4tHOOK90RWtyjOJyAEuWo/jlUdcYrOrtH 865OJ4kAlQIFEC3X60bqMANB/ZLQvQEBejkEAIC+jAvwWYn1CzDL96yYB/ZJbvJO p+9qpI5gYY1ELHYCRkieuo+yNEHHfbmD09pKvuJtBMu21AqarwGXICYKJJgw6r7E bVAKyjcmn8peVDX6qjK2ZYUQU8nRbT2vIMf3O7LcaH0tnhbQpsqnVJjKsQCfSY+A +Nr0iiuoy0DcHd0ZiQCVAgUQLiQm30y+5SBz5oIVAQEN3QP9GAlW7fARGRy3md1P lGL1kDCpmAt4NqfMQ6J0cD/7bD61fLp1fhRWihgLfP+HJt2BFLGaHrDAtAVysBjH 0QAtU2MZWYzGLn6Yy1JgGmticxkm9mdGzfEgv3OSiyQMpzcOEEsitXjzX8ssqj/r ObM0YxL6vWV++QW7/bkOcjFTXiE= =3r4O -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Fingerprint: Type bits/keyID Date User ID pub 1024/1C972E51 1994/05/06 Uwe Schlenther Key fingerprint = 4B 7E 5C C4 AF A8 79 54 89 3F DB 62 66 E9 A8 75 ═══ 5.5. Order Form ═══ An Uwe Schlenther Software Bebelstrasse 30 D-70193 Stuttgart Germany Order ===== I'd like to purchase the following numbers of registration keys for PM Checksum for OS/2. ___ private licenses at 30 DM each. ___ commercial licenses at 60 DM each. ___ I need the current program version on a 3.5" disk (10 DM). The registration fee ( ______ DM ) ___ is enclosed with this order as check/cash. ___ will be paid by VISA/DINERS CLUB credit card (fill in below). Credit card no.: _______________________________________________________ Expiration date: __________________ VISA ___ Diners Club ___ Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Date, Signature: _______________________________________________________ ═══ 6. Ready for OS/2 Warp ═══ Dieses Programm wurde von IBM fБr KompatibilitДt mit OS/2 Warp zertifiziert und trДgt daher das "Ready for OS/2 Warp" Logo. This program has been certified compatible with OS/2 Warp and carries the "Ready for OS/2 Warp" logo. READY FOR OS/2 WARP is a trademark of IBM Corporation and is used by Uwe Schlenther Software under license. IBM Corporation is not responsible in any way and does not warrant the operation of this Software. ═══ ═══ This functionality uses the LSxPower DOS Extender by Laserstars Inc. Further information on LSxPower is available on the world wide web at